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Notice- and Screen walls
Notice boards for mounting between the rails provide a private surface while reducing the noise level and provide not only a functional, but also an aesthetic addition to the work environment.
A screen wall is an excellent choice for creating a workplace in an office or office environment. The delimiting wall is an excellent choice to get a shielded feel while at the same time a sound attenuation in the room
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Screen walls
Hyllteknik manufactures and supplies display screens in several models and designs. The delimiting screen is a practical and affordable solution that delivers a delicate feel to your premises. The screen wall is foldable and consists of wooden slabs that you can choose to dress with a needle-proof fabric. Shelves can be mounted on the screen with a c console to create a complementary storage function.
We design display screens that are customized directly from your premises. The delimiting wall is most preferably used as a foreclosure in an office, office or in a room that needs to be divided. The screening creates a sound attenuation in the room and also becomes a nice interior detail in your office. The screen wall is floor-standing and silencing. Choose how to design it with materials and colors to the frame as well as the fabric. Complete the shielding wall with any foot. If you want to easily move the wall, we recommend a foot on wheels.
Accessories for screenwalls
Legs with adjusting feet / pairs
Legs with wheels / pairs
Screen walls for office landscape
Hyllteknik produces screen walls for a function-based approach to your premises. Office landscape is today a common working environment for many companies. To create a workforce in an office, the delimiting wall is an excellent choice for getting a shielded feel and at the same time a silencing in the room. We recommend the delimiting walls of your office landscape to create a calm and pleasant environment.
Hyllteknik - a solid idea
Our ideas are yours. Hyllteknik in Alvesta has for over 60 years manufactured customized interior design systems for everything from the small office to the large warehouse in industrial premises. With a long experience, we tailor-make furniture that is designed directly according to your wishes. Contact us for more information about our furniture and various solutions, all carefully adapted to your space.
Skärmväggar till kontorslandskap
Hyllteknik tillverkar skärmväggar för ett funktionsbaserat arbetssätt till dina lokaler. Kontorslandskap är idag en vanlig arbetsmiljö hos många företag. För att skapa en arbetsro i på ett kontor är den avgränsande väggen ett utmärkt val för att få en avskärmad känsla och samtidigt en ljuddämpning i lokalen. Vi rekommenderar de avgränsande väggarna till ditt kontorslandskap för att skapa en lugn och trivsam miljö.